Supercomputer Super-Efficient Build Guide (2024)

Supercomputer Super-Efficient Build Guide (1)

Supercomputer Super-Efficient Build Guide

EpicSteamEAEX&nbspIntermediateRectangleManifold146 foundations

Returning to our super-efficient build layouts, and following on from our previous computer and plastic guide, we're now looking at supercomputers.

TotalXclipse 46648 2020-10-11

For this supercomputer factory layout, along with researching the caterium tree in the Mam to unlock supercomputers, we will need the following:

  • 312 Caterium ore
  • 155 Copper ore
  • 100 Plastic
  • 10 Computers

As well as resources for:

  • 4 Manufacturers
  • 2 Assemblers
  • 21 Constructors
  • 13 Smelters.
  • < 386Mw

This particular build we will be using a manifold system and is set on a nine deep by sixteen wide grid. Note that the first column will be bringing in our caterium, our 5th column copper, our eighth column plastic, and finally our thirteenth column computers.

Video Guide:
Supercomputers Super-Efficient Build Guide

Part 1 Caterium Smelters

First, we will cover the quickwire. Covering the first and second columns we will place the first of seven smelters facing the right of the grid. Above this place six more smelters so they are adjacent to one another. Next, add a manifold splitting line for each of the smelters. On the opposing side, we will also place a merging line flowing to the top of the grid. Ensure for the manifold line you are using a Mk4 conveyor belt. Note that these smelters will be set to Caterium ingots and one smelter should be set to 93% clock speed.

Supercomputer Super-Efficient Build Guide (2)

Part 2 Quickwire Constructors

With the Caterium ingots now flowing to the top of the fifth row of the second column, we will now place our nine constructors for quickwire. Place the first constructor in the second column spanning the eighth and ninth row. In-front of this place a splitter flowing into the constructor, then place four more splitters parallel to this splitter in the middle of the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth column flowing to the right of the grid. At this point place two rows of four constructors, they should start directly to the right of the first constructor with one row flowing to the top of the grid and the second flowing to the bottom with their inputs in linewith the splitters we’ve just placed. Connect these all with Mk 2 conveyors or greater.

Set all these constructors to quickwire with a single constructor underclocked to 67%. Next, merge these all together with mergers flowing fromboth the bottom and top line, connect these to a merger flowing to the right of the grid placed in the top left-hand corner of the seventh column. The merging line should be using aMk5 conveyor.

Supercomputer Super-Efficient Build Guide (3)

Part 3 Copper Smelter

Next, spanning the third and fourth column, we shall be placing six smelters for our copper. These will be placed opposite the Caterium smelters starting from the first row up to the fifth row. Next place a splitting manifold on the input side and a merging line on the output side, for this build we place the mergers against the Caterium merging line and should be flowing to the top of the build. These inputs and output lines should be Mk3 conveyors and all the smelters should be set to copper, with one of these smelters set to 17% clock speed.

Supercomputer Super-Efficient Build Guide (4)

Part 4 Copper Sheets

Next, we will place our four copper sheet constructors, these should be placed flowing to the right of the build in the first row of the sixth column all the way up to the fourth row. We will now run a manifold feeding the constructors from the copper smelting line. At this point note thatwe are splitting the copper ingots into a manifold line from the splitter located in the top right-hand corner of the fifth column of the fifth row. These constructors should be set to copper sheets and all will run at 100% clock speed. Finally, we will add a merging line flowing to the top of the grid.

Supercomputer Super-Efficient Build Guide (5)

Part 5Assembler and Manufacturer Placement.

In order to make this build easier to follow we will skip slightly ahead and place the two assemblers and the four manufacturers.

The first assembler will be placed from the centre of the eighth column across the third and fourth row.
This will be set to producing circuit boards

Next, we shall place the second assembler in line with this assembler with the right-hand input over the joint of the fourth and fifth rows. This assembler will be set to A.I. Limiters.

Supercomputer Super-Efficient Build Guide (6)

We will now place the manufacturer in the top right-hand corner of the grid. Flowing to the right of the grid. The side against the top of the grid should be against the top side and there should be enough room for a merger to be placed in front of the manufacturer.

The second manufacturer in line with the previous manufacturer, again flowing to the right, so that the top side of the manufacturer is against the 7th row.

Both of these manufacturers will be set to high-speed connectors.

Finally, we shall place the two manufacturers for supercomputers. Place the first of these two manufactures in the exact same line, again flowing to the right as the previous manufacturers. To get the right placement, make sure that the centre inputs are both centrally located in the second row. Then for the second manufacturer, we shall place this in the opposite direction 10 places away from the input side of the first manufacturer, this will allow us to place a manifold line with elevators later.

Supercomputer Super-Efficient Build Guide (7)

Part 6 A.I. Limiters and Circuit Board Connections.

With the manufacturer placed we shall now set up the A.I. limiter and circuit board assembler inputs together. First place a splitter in front of the highspeed connector assembler flowing to the rightIn front of the right input. We will now run the copper sheet line into the splitter which will then run the front splitter output into the A.I. limiter Assemblerand the second output to the circuit board assembler.

At this point, placea splitter directly after the quickwire merger in the top of the seventh column then bring the bottom output on the splitter straight down and feed into the A.I. limiter assembler.

Next, we need to bring the plastic acrossfrom the eighth column and up to the circuit board assembler. However, before we do so, place a splitter flowing to the top of the grid against the bottom border of our build. Use the top output to bring the plastic up to the assembler.

Supercomputer Super-Efficient Build Guide (8)

Part 7 Wire Constructors.

With the assemblers now connected we will now place the five constructors for the wire. Bring the excess copper ingots along and up between the two quickwire conveyors up to the seventh row.

Supercomputer Super-Efficient Build Guide (9)

We will now place the splitters for the manifold, the first splitter should be placed in the top right-hand corner of the seventh row of theeighth column flowing to the right, then repeat this in the ninth column. Next place constructors similar to the quick-wire constructors flowing out to the top and bottom of the grid. The fifth constructor should be placed along the top row of constructors. Next, connect up the manifold line and bridge the gap between the copper ingots and the manifold line with two conveyor elevators. We shall now run a merging line from the bottom of the grid around clockwise so that conveyor ends at the bottom-right edge of the eleventh column on the top row. These constructors should all be set to copper wire.

Supercomputer Super-Efficient Build Guide (10)

Part 8 Cable Constructors.

We will now need to place the three cable constructors. I’ve placed these three along the same bottom constructor line as the wires. Place a splitter in-front of the middle constructor and split between the three constructors, they should all be set to cable with one running at 50% clock speed. Finally, merge these together on the opposite side.

Supercomputer Super-Efficient Build Guide (11)

Part 9 High-Speed Connectors.

We now need to feed the manufacturers for the high-speed connectors, we’ll start by placing a splitter flowing to the right of the grid in front of the top manufacturers bottom input. Feed the middle line into the manufacturer and the bottom output of the splitter into the top input of the below manufacturer. Now run the quickwire from the splitter in the seventh column of the top row, to the splitter we just placed, following the line of the wire conveyor.

At this point,we shall run the cable into the manufacturers. First place a splitter parallel to the bottom manufacturer flowing to the top of the build. This should be placed one step away from the left edge of the thirteenth column, now run the cable merger to the splitter. Connect the splitter to the bottom manufacturer, then run a conveyor elevator from the middle splitter and run it up to the top manufacturers', third input. Finally, place a conveyor elevator in the manufacturers' second input. This will be run to a splitter that we should place similar to the quickwire splitter, put it in front of the bottom manufacturers' bottom input, flowing to the top. This should be connected to the circuit board assembler. Once done, These manufacturers should both be set to high-speed connectors.

Supercomputer Super-Efficient Build Guide (12)

Part 10 Supercomputers

Finally, we have the supercomputer manufacturers. Directly in-between the two lower manufacturers, we will place two splitters flowing to the bottom of the grid in front of the top two inputs, We shall thenplace a further two splitters flowing to the top of the grid in front of the bottom two inputs.
Stack the top and bottom splitter three high and delete the two splitters underneath. Connect both of these splitters with elevators to the two inputs on the top and bottom of both manufacturers. On the two splitters in the centre of the build also connect to the two middle inputs of both manufactures.

Supercomputer Super-Efficient Build Guide (13)

Now from the output of the A.I. Limiter assembler place a conveyor elevator and run this all the way to the top splitter.
Next bring a line down from the top manufacturer creating high-speed connectors down to the next splitter, merging with the second high-speed connector along the way.

We will now bring the computers from our previous computer layout build which you can find in the top right-hand corner right now, up from the thirteenth column straight into the ground floor splitter on the bottom half of the build.

At this point, we shall run a conveyor from the plastic splitter across the bottom of the build and then run it up to the top splitter on the bottom input using a conveyor elevator. Finally, these two manufacturers should be set to supercomputers. You can setthem both to 67% clock speed. Merge the lines and take them to a container.

At this point, you should have a factory that is able to produce supercomputers with ease.

Supercomputer Super-Efficient Build Guide (14)

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Supercomputer Super-Efficient Build Guide (2024)


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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.