Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (2024)

Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (1)

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Food Renegade

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by Kristen Michaelis CNC 58 Comments | Affiliate Disclosure

Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (2)

Ah, the wonders of summer. (Sorry, but when it’s 90+ degrees out for days on end, it’s summer already!) With summer comes zucchini. And with zucchini comes lots of …

You guessed it! Zucchini bread.

This recipe uses soaked, freshly milled whole wheat flour, yogurt, eggs from pastured hens, and locally-raised raw honey. It’s not a dessert bread by any means. It’s both mildly sour and sweet, with enough cinnamon to make your house smell like heaven.

Why soak the flour?

Grains are notoriously hard for our bodies to digest. Think of it this way: They are essentially the seeds of various forms of grass (yes rye, wheat, oats, corn, etc. are all grasses). The only animals designed to eat grasses are ruminants (like cows). We don’t have four stomachs. So, we’ve got to “pre-digest” grains by preparing them according to traditional methods if we’re going to actually get all the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients out of them as we possibly can without wreaking untold havoc on our digestive system in the meantime.

Or, you can look at this way: As seeds, the grain’s goal is to reproduce, to sprout, to turn into a new plant. So, they are on the defensive. They do everything in their power to preserve the seed and to make it unpalatable for us to consume. As such, the seeds contain an anti-nutrient called phytic acid which binds to minerals like calcium and zinc as well as vitamins like niacin in our guts and prevents our bodies from absorbing those valuable nutrients. They’re also acid-forming in the gut, and their high-carb properties make them the ideal food for all the bad yeast, viruses, and parasites living in our intestines.

Because of all this, many people (including myself) opt to avoid grains. They’re a lot of work! But sometimes, you want to eat grains. They’re cheap. They’re tasty. And if you eat them with a lot of fat (like delicious yellow butter from grass-fed cows), you’re not going to have the extreme insulin response you’d expect from all those carbs.

To overcome the barriers presented by grains, you can give the grain what it wants by sprouting it (in this way, your body digests the grain like a vegetable and not like a seed) or you can do the work of a ruminant’s stomach and soak the freshly milled flour in an acidic medium to help break down the phytic acid and “pre-digest” the grain.

The Players

  • 3 C. freshly ground whole wheat flour
  • 2 C. yogurt
  • 2 C. grated zucchini
  • 1 tsp. sea salt
  • 3 eggs (from pastured hens)
  • 1/4 C. melted coconut oil
  • 1/4 C. honey
  • 3 tsp. cinnamon
  • 3 tsp. vanilla
  • 2 tsp. baking soda

The How-To:

Begin with your freshly milled whole wheat flour.

Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (3)

Add in your yogurt and stir until a batter forms.

Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (4)

Cover with a plate and let sit for 12-24 hours. The longer you let it sit, the more developed the flavor will become. Plus, the longer you let it set, the more digestible the grain will become.

Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (5)

About an hour before you’re ready to put the bread in the oven, grate your zucchini, sprinkle it with the salt, and let it sit for an hour.

Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (6)

After an hour, you’ll notice a significant amount of water collecting in the bottom of your bowl. Drain the water, then pat your zucchini dry using a white towel.

Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (7)

Add the zucchini, eggs, coconut oil, honey, cinnamon, vanilla, and baking soda to your mixing bowl and mix until evenly distributed.

Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (8)

Pour the batter into an oiled & floured 9X4 baking pan.

Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (9)

Bake at 350F for 1.5 hours or until a knife stuck in the middle comes out clean. Remove from pan and let cool completely before slicing, toasting, and serving with a healthy dollop of butter from grass-fed cows. YUM!

Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (10)

Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (12)

About the Author

Kristen Michaelis CNC has been a Health and Nutrition Educator since 2008. Founder and CEO of Food Renegade, she's a passionate advocate for REAL FOOD -- food that's sustainable, organic, local, and traditionally-prepared according to the wisdom of our ancestors. She earned a Bachelor of Arts (summa cum laude) from Dallas Baptist University in Philosophy and Biblical Studies, then began her post-graduate journey as a researcher in the fields of health and nutrition. While she adores hats & happy skirts, nothing inspires her quite like geeking out over nutrition & sustainable agriculture. Nutrition educator & author of the go-to book on nutrition for fertility, she's also a rebel with a cause who enjoys playing in the rain, a good bottle of Caol Isla scotch, curling up with a page-turning book, sunbathing on her hammock, and parenting her three children as they grow into young adults.

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  1. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (13)Mary P. says

    Oh wow, does this ever look good! I can’t wait to try it – thanks!


  2. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (14)Emma says

    I have a question. Whenever I soak my flour (stone-ground wholemeal from a healthfood store) it forms a dark skin. Well, not really skin-like, but the surface is definitely much darker than the rest of the batter, and rather off-putting. I have covered the bowl with cling-wrap when I do this, so it’s not drying out, but I noticed you covered it with a plate. Does it need to be protected from the light as well?



  3. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (15)KristenM says

    Mary P — Thank you.

    Emma — I have only ever covered my soaking grains with plates, but I didn’t think it was necessary to protect it from light. I just used plates for convenience (less waste). I’ve never gotten a dark skin. Perhaps you could try covering your next soak with a plate and see how it turns out. If you still get the dark skin, try a different brand of flour. Honestly, I’m clueless. I’ve never experienced the problem you’re describing.


  4. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (16)Local Nourishment says

    Zucchini bread is hands-down the favorite way of consuming zucchini here! This recipe looks very delicious, I can almost smell it from here! Thank you!

    Local Nourishment


  5. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (17)Emma says

    Thanks for that, Kristen. Will try that next time, but in a different bowl! The one I usually use is huge, and I don’t thing a plate would be adequate 😀 Stainless steel appears to be ok, by the photos in your post. (Still waiting on my copy of Nourishing Traditions, hence the questions.)



  6. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (18)Motherhen68 says

    Emma, I get the dark skin as well. I’ve found if I take a piece of aluminum foil and put it directly onto the dough, tucking it in around the sides, but not underneath, the skin won’t form. I’m sure you could do the same with plastic wrap or whatever you have.

    Kristen, this looks delicious. I keep eyeballing my zucchini, waiting for them to grow!! I bought some this morning @ the farmer’s market and I kinda went overboard LOL. Maybe I’ll make this instead of the sourdough blueberry muffins I was going to make. 🙂



  7. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (20)Courtney says

    i wonder if you could use a different gluten free flour in this bread. look good though.


  8. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (21)Kyle says

    This looks delicious, it’s a keeper. I’m going to be having plenty of zuchinni this year, and we usually get plenty from neighbors too 🙂



  9. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (22)KristenM says

    Maria — I’ve only used plain yogurt, so I’m not sure about vanilla yogurt. The most important thing to look out for is that the yogurt is tart and has lots of live, active cultures in it. If the vanilla flavored yogurt passes that test, I don’t see why you couldn’t use it. Most commercially available flavored yogurts have sweeteners added to them, so you might want to be aware of that and reduce the honey accordingly.

    Courtney — I’m sure there’s a way to make it gluten-free, and I bet somebody else out there has already done the work.

    Kyle — Yes, summer time is zucchini time!


  10. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (23)Laryssa @ Heaven In The Home says

    Thanks for this wonderful recipe. Zucchini bread has always been a family favorite, but our recipe was filled with sugar and white flour. I haven’t been able to make it the old way in a long time. Now we can have it again…yum!

    Laryssa @ Heaven In The Home


  11. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (24)Mary Ellen says

    I saw some zucchini at our farmer’s market last weekend. I’ll have to pick some up and give this recipe a try. Thanks!

    Mary Ellen


  12. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (25)Sweta says

    I love using yogurt in my cooking ,but have never used it in a baking recipe! Bread with zucchini sounds great! BTW, when we make dosas, the grain and lentil is always soaked before being ground to a paste,then left to ferment overnight!



  13. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (26)Becky and the Beanstock says

    Wow, what a fascinating post. This makes perfect sense — after all, one important ways that seeds get dispersed is via a bird’s stomach. When it comes out the other end, it’s still viable, and thus plants migrate and survive. Even so I never would have thought to soak my flour — I enjoyed reading this. I actually found you because I was reading about Fight Back Friday on Burp! Where Food Happens and I had no idea what that was, so I Googled and that led me to your site. Glad I found it.

    Becky and the Beanstock


  14. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (27)CHEESESLAVE says

    YUM this looks wonderful. I stumbled it.

    Courtney – I have found that coconut flour works great as a gluten-free substitute for flour. You just need to add more eggs. And use less flour.



  15. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (28)KristenM says

    Becky — I don’t eat grains unless they’resoaked or sprouted. Otherwise, it’s just too hard on our digestive systems. Traditionally, most grains were either sprouted before being dried and milled into flour, or they were soaked in an acidic medium. That’s where we get foods like buttermilk biscuits or pancakes. (People soaked the whole grain in buttermilk overnight, then cooked with it in the morning.) Traditional porridge is oats soaked in yogurt overnight before being cooked in the morning. Real sourdough is dough that is allowed to ferment for a long period of time (sometimes as long as a month!) before being cooked. You get the idea.

    Sadly, in our age of industrialized food processing, we don’t bother with these traditional methods at all. They’re too slow for our fast-paced lives. In so doing, we’re wreaking havoc on our guts. People may not notice it right away, but after years or decades of eating improperly prepared grains, you’ll probably notice a mild gluten-intolerance being built up, as well as other digestive issues developing.

    Welcome to the site! Hope you stick around. 🙂

    Ann Marie — Thanks for the Stumble!


  16. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (29)Amy says

    Do you ground your own flour? If you do, what do you use?


  17. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (30)Michelle @ Find Your Balance says

    Oh! So you can soak the grains after they’re ground. I thought you had to do it before. Can I do this with WW flour I buy at the store? I haven’t graduated to a flour mill yet.

    Michelle @ Find Your Balance


  18. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (31)KristenM says

    Amy — I do grind my own flour. I use the Family Grain Mill because it can be both hand-cranked (in the event of a power shortage) or powered by my Kitchen Aid stand mixer.

    Michelle — Yes, you can do it with whole wheat flour you buy at the store. You’ll want to stick to a really reliable brand (like King Arthur) and try to buy the freshest flour possible because about a week after being milled, whole wheat flour starts to oxidize enough to taste bitter, and that bitter flavor keeps increasing with age.


  19. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (32)Annie - Hip Organic Mama says

    sounds so delish! Thanks for the recipe and great tips – and my, what a nice hand you have there 😉

    Annie – Hip Organic Mama


  20. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (34)jillian says

    This recipe smelled amazing while baking but turned out really mushy…I cooked it for over 2 hours…did I use too much yogurt? I did add a little extra and I did use spelt flour, but i wonder why it didn’t bake into bread? Oh well, love the site anyway!


    • Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (35)Brooke Larm says

      This turned out awful for me. I baked it for over 2 hours and it was still so mushy. I ended up putting the batter into muffin tins and baking longer, which finally worked, but then the muffins cooled with a white film on them. Maybe from the yogurt or coconut oil or both? Yes, proportions were correct and I followed the protocol for removing the liquid from the zucchini. Sorry, but this recipe is being deleted from my list.


  21. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (36)KristenM says

    Hi Jillian — Using extra yogurt would definitely be a no-no. A good rule of thumb when you soak grains is to not judge the dough or batter’s appearance immediately after mixing. As the flour soaks overnight, it will absorb a good amount of the liquid and appear to be significantly more moist than it did the night before.

    Also, it could be that the zucchini was still too moist, or the yogurt a little too runny.

    I’ve not experimented with spelt for this bread, so I don’t know how that would do.


  22. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (37)jillian says

    Thanks Kristen! The dough did look really thick…next time i’ll be more patient 🙂


  23. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (38)Cora says

    Maybe this is a stupid question, but I don’t understand this sentence :

    “[Grains} are essentially the seeds of various forms of grass (yes rye, wheat, oats, corn, etc. are all grasses). The only animals designed to eat grasses are ruminants (like cows).”

    The you mention the four stomachs ruminants have for predigesting grass. But if this was the case, then cows would be able to do just fine eating corn, right? So why do they do so poorly on it? I guess the way that I’m reading this, it seems like you are saying if only we were cows, we’d be able to eat all the grains we want to.


  24. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (39)KristenM says

    Cora — I guess you’re reading more into the sentence than I intended. Even cows — which are the only animals with a digestive system that can handle grasses — have a hard time digesting SEEDS. If it’s difficult for them, with their four stomachs and beneficial bacteria and enzymes, how much more difficult is it for us? We really should only eat grains (and seeds) if they’ve been properly prepared first.


  25. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (40)Cora says

    Thanks for clearing that up for me.


  26. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (41)Tara says

    I just picked our first zucchini and want to make this bread. Don’t have any yogurt. Do you think I’d get the same results soaking it in 2 cups of raw milk?



  27. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (42)Jessie says

    Just wanted to say thanks for the recipe. It was soo yummy!

    I thought the wheat flour / yogurt mixture was way too thick (was almost like playdough when I mixed it). But I didn’t add any more liquid than called for in the recipe & when it was all mixed – it was just right. I think my pan was smaller than yours & so I made a loaf & then about 9 cupcakes. The cupcakes had a wonderful crumb. The bread was dense and moist – great too. But I think I may do this as all cupcakes in the future since I think the smaller shape will yield a different density.

    This was my first soaked grain bread recipe! And it worked fabulously! Thanks!


  28. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (43)Sara says

    It’s cooking now, but I realize that it was too much batter for my pan! I used an 8.5 by 4.5 pan, which I thought would be sufficient, but I definitely could have made some muffins too. Darn! There is cooked batter all over the oven and the inside is taking forever to cook. Next time I will use my better judgment!!


    • Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (44)KristenM says

      Sara — What a tragedy! 8.5 x 4.5 pans are shallower than 9 x 4’s, and so have a lower volume. Hopefully it will be able to be rescued. 🙂


  29. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (45)Meaghan says

    I can’t wait to try this recipe! I’ve recently learned about soaking and am trying to incorporate it into my life as much as possible! Do I leave the dough soaking at room temperature? Thanks


    • Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (46)KristenM says

      Yes, I always soak grains at room temperature. It’s the warm, acidic environment that helps activate the enzyme phytase (which breaks down the phytic acid in the grain).


  30. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (47)Linda says

    I soaked my wheat berries and when I tried to make them into flour, they seemed to moist so the consistency was more like a paste. I added the yogurt anyway and now it’s sitting in the fridge – should it be there or on the counter for the 12-24 hr of fermenting? the flour / yogurt mixture seemed very thick – is that ok? I used greek yogurt.


    • Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (48)KristenM says

      Greek yogurt would be too thick, since it’s been strained of its whey already.

      When you soak a whole grain like wheat berries, you want to let it dry completely (either in the sun, a dehydrator, or warm oven, before grinding into flour.


  31. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (49)LW says

    Would this work with buttermilk??


    • Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (50)KristenM says

      I can’t think of any reason why it wouldn’t. It would be slightly more sour, though, depending on the buttermilk.


  32. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (51)erica says

    I did a search looking for ways to soak WW flour for a banana bread. Soooo, I’m going to tweak this recipe and use bananas instead of zucchini. Here’s to hoping!
    And thanks for the recipe. 🙂
    .-= erica´s last blog post …Recycling sort of Crayons =-.


  33. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (52)halo says

    wondering . . . started this last night. mixed ww flour and yogurt. i didn’t get a batter, i got a dough. looks like a ball of bread dough. even had to “work in” at least 1/2 c of the 3 c of flour to get it all mixed in with yogurt. kept reading here. some have said “batter/dough;” you’ve said “don’t judge it right after mixing.” covered it with a plate. 12 hours later, mine is still a dough ball.

    a few variables specific to my world: i’m at high elevation = 7500 ft, and i’m in New Mexico = dry. would either of those variables have mistakenly given me a ball of dough instead of batter? help?
    .-= halo´s last blog post …Representation =-.


    • Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (53)KristenM says

      Yes, I think both of those things will affect any baked good you’re trying to make. Compared to you, I’m in the tropics! If I were you, I’d experiment with ways to keep it moist (maybe add more yogurt or not drain all the liquid from the zucchini).


  34. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (54)Melissa says

    Just did a google search for “soaked zucchini bread” and this came up. Awesome recipe! Question- would I be able to substitute spelt flour for the whole wheat? We are trying to be wheat-free these days (not necessarily gluten-free anymore). Thanks!


    • Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (55)KristenM says

      I’m not sure. I’ve never used alternative flours with this recipe.


  35. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (56)Alyssa says

    Oh, my gosh, I am so excited to find like minded friends who are for predigested grains, raw milk products, bacon, etc! GO, GIRL!!!! Thank you!
    As a side note, I need to get a grain grinder–any recommendations?


    • Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (57)KristenM says

      I use the Family Grain Mill because it can be hand cranked or powered by my Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer.


  36. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (58)Amy says

    I have never heard of soaking grains before. I was wondering if it’s safe to have the yogurt unrefrigerated?


  37. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (59)Melissa robinson says

    Made this last night. Soaked the whole wheat flour. Let it sit in plain raw yogurt for 24 hours. It was more like a tough dough after incorporating the flour. After it was baked, the flavor was nonexistent and the ingredients didn’t incorporate well at all. I’m puzzled. It made the house smell wonderful but it was a big disappointment. What did I do wrong? The only thing I changed was to use pre ground whole wheat. The honey was not enough to sweeten it.


  38. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (60)Tiffany27 says

    Wow! This came out super delicious 🙂 I used pre-ground whole wheat flour and my first time attempt at raw yogurt (which came out quite thin) and the bread turned out perfect. Set nicely, and so, so moist!


  39. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (61)deb says

    I can not have cow milk any suggestions on what I can use in place of the yogurt?


  40. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (62)Cindy Smith says

    I am supposed to be on a gluten free diet; do you have a variation to this recipe incorporating some gluten free GOOD TASTING flour? Thank you for your help!


  41. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (63)Pat says

    When I mixed in the yogurt, the batter is very dry and stiff. It doesn’t look anything like yours. I guess I’ll wait and see what happens tomorrow on baking day


  42. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (64)Maria says

    Another way to predigest grains is to make bread. Sourdough fermentation also helps to break down the antinutrients and get the nutrients in grains.


  43. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (65)Unity says

    I just tried this and it came out awesome! They are delicious! I’m so excited. I’m trying to cut back on sugar and eat healthier, so I definitely appreciate this recipe. Thank you so much!


  44. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (66)Joy says


    Just wonderng, is greek style set yogurt okay to use as the acidic medium to soak flour? Or does it have to be the runny kind? Thanks



  45. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (67)Victoria says

    Hi, I am wondering if you can substitute spelt flour for the whole wheat flour?? thanks.


  46. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (68)Susana says

    Hi! Could I make this recipe with butter instead of the coconut oil? Where I live, coconut oil is quite expensive!


  47. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (69)Kelsey Forbes says

    This recipe didn’t work for me at all. Like several have said; it smelled amazing, but it essentially never finished cooking and yielded an incredibly dense and not at all sweet bread; I’m not a sweet tooth at all, it was just as if the honey/maple disappeared. I had added chocolate chunks, which helped with the total lack of sweetness, but it was just not as delectable as I hoped it would be. It was more like a bland bread pudding.


  48. Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (70)Kim says

    This is my second attempt with this recipe and my cakes are sinking and not cooking properly,,


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Soaked Zucchini Bread Recipe (2024)


Should you peel zucchini for zucchini bread? ›

There's no need to peel the zucchini or remove the seeds. You also shouldn't press or squeeze any of the excess moisture out of it. You want all that to go into the bread!

Should you squeeze water out of zucchini for bread? ›

But unless your zucchini is excessively juicy, squeezing the squash could be removing some of the moisture you really do want in the bread. It's up to you, though. Squeeze for lighter, drier bread. Leave it as is for denser, moister bread.

What to do if zucchini bread is too wet? ›

You can just take handfuls of grated zucchini and squeeze them over the sink or a bowl, or you can wrap the grated zucchini in a clean towel, and twist it to get rid if the water. Heat the oven to 350 F, return the bread to the oven, and bake for another 10 to 20 minutes.

Why is my zucchini bread not moist? ›

The moisture that was in the zucchini was what you patted out. Freezing causes fruits and vegetables to lose moisture when thawed. Either use fresh grated zucchini or use all the liquid from the frozen.

How many zucchinis does it take to make 2 cups grated? ›

You need 2 cups of grated zucchini for the recipe, so you will need about 3 small zucchini, 2 medium zucchini, or 1 large zucchini.

Why does my zucchini bread fall apart when I cut it? ›

The most common reason for zucchini breadand other quick breads (and cakes) to collapse as they cool is the ingredients are too vigorously or quickly mixed, which incorporates lots of less stable air bubbles into the batter.

Why does my zucchini bread taste weird? ›

When they are larger, zucchinis tend to contain more water, which leads to excess moisture in the batter. Additionally, larger zucchinis don't taste as good, with a more bitter flavor. They can also have larger seeds. These large seeds can throw off the texture of your zucchini bread.

Why does my zucchini bread always sink in the middle? ›

Check your leavening agent

What is this? Expired leaveners: Always check the freshness of your leaveners. Expired or ineffective baking powder and baking soda will not leaven your quick bread. Adding too much or insufficient leavening agents: Adding too much leaveners will cause your quick bread to sink in the middle.

What happens if you put too much baking soda in zucchini bread? ›

Too much baking soda and not enough acid means there will be leftover baking soda in the recipe. You do not want that; it creates a metallic, soapy taste in your baked goods.

How to grade zucchini for zucchini bread? ›

Hold the box grater in one hand and the zucchini in the other. Position the grater over a bowl or a clean kitchen towel. Using the coarse side of the box grater, run the zucchini down against the grater while pushing down firmly. Be careful as the zucchini gets smaller and the grater gets close to your fingers.

What makes bread more moist? ›

Add Milk

To make your bread soft and fluffy, another trick used by commercial bakers is replacing water with milk. Milk has fats which make bread softer.

Does zucchini need to be peeled for baking? ›

Do You Need to Peel Zucchini? Our Test Kitchen has good news for you: You do not need to peel zucchini before using it in a recipe. Zucchinis have very thin, tender skin. “It cooks up well without being tough,” explains Mark Neufang in the Test Kitchen.

Is zucchini better with or without skin? ›

There's no need to peel zucchini. In fact, the skin is a big source of zucchini nutrition (the deep green color is a dead giveaway) so you definitely want to leave the skin on. How to cut zucchini: after giving the zucchini squash a good rinse under cold water, slice off the stem and discard it.

What is the best way to grate zucchini for zucchini bread? ›

The best way to grate zucchini is whatever is fastest. If you're grating a lot of zucchini (more than two at a time), we recommend grabbing a food processor with a grating attachment. For smaller amounts, a box grater usually does the trick.

Do you grate zucchini with skin on or off? ›

Rinse the zucchini under water and wipe dry with paper towels. No need to peel the zucchini beforehand-the skin is mild in flavor and will soften when cooked. Plus, much of zucchini's fiber content is in its skin, so you don't want to throw that away.


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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

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Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.