Computer Factory layout
EpicSteamEAEX IntermediateRectangleManifold198 foundations
With efficiency in mind, this guide provides you with the layout to produce 5 computers per minute.
TotalXclipse 73032 2020-10-11
This factory layout will require the following:
- 290 Plastic
- 245 Copper ore
- 65 Iron ore
- 12 Smelters
- 27 Constructors
- 7 Assemblers
- 2 Manufacturers
- < 371Mw
This will be built on a nine deep by twenty-two wide grid.
Video Guide:
Computers Super-Efficient Build Guide
Part 1 – Smelter Placement
To start we will need to place all the smelters down spanning the first and second row. We shall place a smelter in the first, second, third, and fourth column as well as the sixth and seventh, ninth and tenth, 12th, 15th, 17th, and 19th column.
Note that the 13th and 14th columns are painted blue, this is where I’ve designated my inputs for this build. We will import the copper ore on the left, plastic down the centre, and iron ore on the right.
Once done, we shall place the manifolds feed the smelters, in order to do this place splitters flowing towards the left in front of the smelter inputs along the first column through to the 12th column, and then place a manifold line flowing to the right in front of the smelter inputs in the 15th, 17th, and 19th column.
In front of the smelter in column 2, we will place a merger flowing forwards and in front of all other smelters with the exception of the first and last smelter in column one and 19, place splitters facing flowing forwards.
Part 2 – Copper Sheet Section
With the copper smelters set to copper ingots, we will need to set the first smelter in the first column to a 17% underclock. We shall now connect the first smelter and the left-hand splitter output that is in front of the third smelter, to the merger in front of the second smelter.
Next, we shall place the constructor line for the copper sheets. Starting in the third column of the third row along to the twelfth column we will place our first 10 constructors. These will all be set to copper sheets. In front of each constructor’s inputs, there should be a splitter, with the exception of the 5th, 8th, and 11th columns. In these columns place a merger flowing into the constructors in line with the splitters.
Once placed, connect each of the remaining copper smelters with the splitter and constructor in front of them, now connect the neighboring splitter output with the mergers adjacent and then connect the merger with the constructor in front your build should now look like this.
Next, we shall merge each of the copper sheet constructors together and flowing to the right.
To do this merging line, I’ve placed the mergers two steps in front of each constructor and stacked it twice with the outputs flowing to the right. If done correctly you can connect a conveyor elevator from the constructor to the merger. In front of the tenth constructor, I have placed the merger flowing forwards. Later, this will connect to the circuit board production manifold.
Copper Wire & Cables
With copper sheets completed, we will move to the copper wire and cable section. For the wire, we shall place three constructors in the sixth row spanning the first and second, second and third, and the third and fourth columns. In front of the middle constructor place a splitter and connect the merger from the second column, (in front of the second smelter) with this splitter and ensure each output is connected to the constructors. These constructors will be set to wire, on the other side of the constructors, merge the wire together, and from here connect to a splitter and split between two more constructors which should be placed in the centre of the second and third column in the penultimate row.
Note that between the merger and splitter you will need to use aMk2 Line. These constructors will both be set to cable and should both be set to 75% underclock. Finally, merge these two constructors together with a merger flowing to the right. These will be brought over to the manufacturers later on.
I've provided a closer view of the copper wire and cable constructors in the following image to make it clearer to understand.
Iron Screw Constructors
With this being a vanilla build, we shall next be sorting out the rod and screw line, however I do highly recommend using screw alternatives where applicable.
For this screw section, we will need to place 12 constructors, fiver for the rods, and a further seven for the screws.
Start by placing five constructors in front of the splitters we placed in the smelting line, the constructors should start from the third row of the 15th column and proceed to the 19th column, each splitter should be connected to two constructors with a single constructor placed in front of the last smelter. This smelter should be set to 17% underclock and the iron rod constructor it’s connected to, set to 33% clock speed.
Once complete, place a merging line flowing to the right of the grid. Make sure to set all these constructors to iron rods.
Now place the second line of seven constructors, these will be placed against the mergers with their inputs spanning the two columns, start by placing the first constructor in the 15th and 16th column through to the 21st and 22nd column. Once placed set all the constructors to iron screws. The first constructor will be set to 50% underclock.
Next place splitters along the merging line flowing towards the right and we will then connect all of these along the merging line and feed them into the constructors. I should mention that we are merging 65 items per minute on this line but because we are splitting at the same time we can just use a Mk1 conveyor.
Now that the constructor line is complete, merge all the screws together using a Mk3 belt.
Circuit Board Assemblers
For this section we will need to place seven assemblers along the fifth row, these will be fed by plastic as well as the copper sheets we produced earlier. For the same positioning as me, you will need to place a splitter directly in front of the last merger in the copper sheet merging line in the twelfth column. Your splitter will need to be stacked twice high so that we have a direct connection between the mergers and the splitter. Next, place an assembler down so that the first input (the left one) is in line with this splitter, in order to connect a conveyor elevator with this splitter, you will need to place the assembler three spaces away from the splitter, towards the top of the grid.
Now place six more assemblers in a row to the left of this one, you will also want to place splitters in front of each of the assemblers left inputs in the same manifold line.
Next, place a splitter on the ground, in line with the assembly splitting line and the plastic input line. Then place splitters flowing to the left of the grid in front of the right input of each assembler and connect the lines together. Once all assembler inputs are connected, we will place a merging line flowing to the right on the output side of the assemblers, which will run these circuit boards to the manufacturers. These assemblers should all be set to circuit boards and the last assembler should be clocked at 67% clock speed.
In the image below we take a closer view at the double manifold line, where the copper sheets are being fed into the assemblers from above and the plastic below.
Computer Manufacturers
We now need to place two manufacturers. Place these facing forwards starting in the thirteenth column through to the seventeenth column with space enough for a container between. The manufacturers are placed just below mid-way of the seventh row, the positioning should look like this.
Now place a splitter in front and between the two manufacturers. This splitter will connect to the screw merging line and split the screws between the two closest manufacturer inputs.
The second splitter is stacked two above the first splitter so that we can connect conveyor elevators to the next two manufacturer inputs.
You will then place a third and fourth splitter above the second splitter in order to connect the last two manufacturer inputs with conveyor elevators to give this stepped style input system.
At this point, the last thing for us to do is connect the input lines, to the four splitters. Our first splitter should be connected to the screw merging line.
For the last three resources (plastic, circuit boards, and cable) bring all there lines up to the sixth row of the thirteenth and fourteenth column next to the manufactures. From here, use a series of conveyor elevators, each elevator two steps higher than the one in front. Each of these should be in line with the splitters that were placed between the manufacturers. Connect these elevators with the splitters.
Finally, set the two manufacturers to computers and merge their outputs together to send the computers either to a storage area or another manufacturing line.
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