9 Wonderful Benefits Of Jackfruit Seeds + A Killer Recipe (2024)

Several benefits of jackfruit seeds make them a must-have in most diets. Jackfruit is packed with essential nutrients. The edible seeds of the fruit contain proteins and essential micronutrients that help protect against skin diseases, and the iron in the seeds can even treat anemia. The seeds maintain your eye health and increase your energy. This article discusses the benefits of jackfruit seeds, their nutritional profile, and ways to eat them. Take a look.

9 Wonderful Benefits Of Jackfruit Seeds + A Killer Recipe (1) Know Your Ingredient: Jackfruit Seeds

What Is It?
The bean-shaped, edible, brown part of the jackfruit.

What Are Its Benefits?
They may help combat anemia, boost vision, improve digestion, and promote skin and hair health.

Who Can Consume It?
Anyone who is not allergic to jackfruit seeds can consume them.

How Often?
You can have a small serving of these seeds daily.

Avoid eating raw jackfruit seeds, as they might hinder nutrient absorption and interact with certain medications.

In This Article

How Are Jackfruit Seeds Good For You?

The proteins and other vital micronutrients in the seeds are known to keep skin diseases at bay. And the iron the seeds contain boosts blood health and even treats anemia – which is one major concern, especially for women.

The seeds, which taste like potatoes when boiled, are also good for the eyes. But we are not going to tell everything here. There’s more to know as you keep going. So, just read on.

What Are The Benefits Of Jackfruit Seeds?

1. Jackfruit Seeds Combat Anemia

The seeds are rich in iron, which is an important component of hemoglobin. Adequate iron levels can treat anemia and prevent several blood disorders. Iron combats weakness as well, which is another bothersome symptom of anemia.

Iron also increases the production of red blood cells, which, in turn, boost immunity and keep diseases at bay.

2. Improve Digestive Health

Traditional medicine suggests that powdered jackfruit seeds can treat constipation and other digestive issues. The seeds are also rich sources of dietary fiber, which makes them all the more important for digestive health.

Some sources say that jackfruit seeds can also be used to treat diarrhea. However, we need more research on this. Hence, talk to your doctor before using the seeds as a digestive aid.

3. Boost Vision

The seeds contain vitamin A, a nutrient known to boost vision health. Deficiency of vitamin A can cause night blindness. The seeds might also prevent cataracts and macular degeneration.

Related: 15 Best Foods To Improve Eyesight Naturally

4. Might Reduce Risk Of Blood Clots

Though we need more research on this, according to some sources, the manganese in jackfruit seeds can regularize blood clotting.

5. Enhance Sexual Pleasure

Certain sources state that the iron in the seeds can stimulate sexual pleasure. In fact, jackfruit seeds have been used in traditional Asian medicine to treat sexual disorders. The seeds can be roasted like chestnuts and are considered an aphrodisiac by some experts.

6. Jackfruit Seeds Help Build Muscles

The proteins in the seeds can help in building muscles. But we don’t know if they can be a replacement for your regular protein sources. You can, however, supplement your protein intake by adding jackfruit seeds to your diet.

7. Fight Wrinkles

The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties in jackfruit can fight the free radicals that cause premature aging, thereby reducing wrinkles. You need to grind a jackfruit seed in cold milk until you get a paste. Apply this paste to your face regularly – once or twice a day.

Related: 30 Effective Home Remedies To Get Wrinkle-Free Skin

8. Make Your Skin Glow

You can soak the seeds in some milk and honey for this purpose. Grind the ingredients until you get a paste. Apply it evenly to your face. Leave it on and allow the paste to dry completely. Wash off with lukewarm water.

9. Enhance Hair Growth

This is where vitamin A comes into the picture, again. It prevents brittle hair. The rich proteins and nutrition in the seeds also promote hair health.

The iron in the seeds enhances blood circulation to the scalp, and this is another way they contribute to healthy hair. More interestingly, the seeds also help ease mental stress as they are rich in proteins and other micronutrients. This can curb hair fall – as stress is another cause of weak hair.

Apart from the above-mentioned benefits, anecdotal evidence suggests that the dietary fiber and vitamin content present in them may support heart health and control cholesterol.

We have seen the benefits of jackfruit and have already answered the question: What is jackfruit good for? But as hard as it might seem to believe, they contain some essential nutrients we have been simply ignoring all along. And that is what we get to now.

What Is The Nutritional Profile Of Jackfruit Seeds?

A 100-gram serving of jackfruit seeds (or 3.5 ounces) offers about 185 calories. It also contains 7 grams of protein, 38 grams of carbs, and 1.5 grams of fiber. And jackfruit seeds contain less than 1 gram of fat.

The seeds are also good sources of thiamine and riboflavin. They also contain trace amounts of zinc, iron, potassium, copper, and manganese. Other important nutrients in the seeds include phytochemicals, like saponins.

The jackfruit nutrition profile is pretty much the same, irrespective of the seeds being boiled or roasted.

All of this gets us to one question – how can you eat jackfruit seeds?

How To Eat Jackfruit Seeds

Or how to cook jackfruit seeds – to put it in a better way. There are three ways you can do it:

  • Cover the jackfruit seeds with water in a large pot. Ensure there is an inch of water above the seeds.
  • Bring the water and seeds to a boil, and then reduce to a rolling simmer for about 30 minutes.
  • Drain the pot and spread the seeds on a baking sheet to cool. Peel the outer white layer, and you can enjoy the seeds.
Roasting In The Oven
  • Preheat the oven to 400o F. Spread the seeds on a baking sheet.
  • Bake for 20 minutes and let them cool.
  • Once they are cool enough to touch, peel off the outer white layer.
Roasting On The Pan
  • Add the seeds to a dry cast iron skillet.
  • Roast them over medium-high heat and shake the pan occasionally. Do this until the skin is blistered or cracked.
  • Let them cool and peel off the outer white layer.

There is another cool way to consume jackfruit seeds – use them in a recipe.

9 Wonderful Benefits Of Jackfruit Seeds + A Killer Recipe (2) Did You Know?

Jackfruit seeds taste similar to chestnuts after cooking. You can reap their health benefits by consuming the seeds as a snack or mixing them in a curry.

Any Jackfruit Recipe To Try?

Yes. Try this roasted garlic jackfruit seed hummus recipe.

What You Need
  • 2 cups of jackfruit seeds and water (to boil)
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 6 tablespoons of low-sodium broth
  • 2 tablespoons of non-dairy milk
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 2 tablespoons of organic raw tahini
  • Dehydrated celery powder and fresh black pepper, for taste
  • Paprika, for garnishing
  1. Rinse the jackfruit seeds and place them in a pot with water an inch above them. Bring the water to a boil over medium heat, and then lower to a simmer. Cover.
  2. While the seeds boil, place the garlic on a baking sheet and bake for 40 minutes. Toss halfway through.
  3. Leave the seeds to cook for 30 minutes, post which you can drain and lay them in a flat layer to dry.
  4. Remove the skin once dry. You can peel off the other white skin.
  5. For the hummus, add the cooked peeled seeds to a food processor along with the other ingredients. Process until smooth.
  6. Garnish with paprika.

9 Wonderful Benefits Of Jackfruit Seeds + A Killer Recipe (3) Did You Know?

You can make starchy flour with just one medium-sized jackfruit and sufficient seeds and water.

Caution: Ensure the jackfruit seeds are properly prepared as they might be poisonous. Don’t eat them raw (1).

Sia, a blogger, shared the recipe for pickled jackfruit rotti in her blog. She wrote, “One favourite fruit of mine is Jackfruit. My mom pickles them in a simple brine (rock salt + boiled and cooled water) when they are raw. These Brined Raw Jackfruits are used in making simple Palya, Bolu Kodhel, and also in making delicious Brined or Pickled Raw Jackfruit Rotti! (i).” She then proceeds with the recipe and shares, “It is simple, gluten-free, vegan-friendly, rustic, and absolute delight to eat!”

It also is important to learn about a few other ways jackfruit seeds can potentially cause harm. Check out the next section.

Side Effects Of Jackfruit Seeds

While there are not many side effects associated with the consumption of jackfruit seeds, people who take medications that increase the risk of bleeding should be cautious (2). Jackfruit seed extracts may thin the blood and prevent coagulation. This may increase the risk of bleeding when taken with aspirin, antiplatelet drugs, blood thinners, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Also, be cautious with the consumption of jackfruit seeds if you are allergic to jackfruit or birch pollen. Consult your doctor to determine the safest way to consume them.

Infographic: Important Health Benefits Of Jackfruit Seeds

Jackfruit seeds contain vital micronutrients, vitamins, and many minerals and offer health benefits when included in the right amounts in your diet. These seeds may also help in the management of certain diseases. To know about the most important health benefits of jackfruit seeds, check out the infographic given below.

9 Wonderful Benefits Of Jackfruit Seeds + A Killer Recipe (4)


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9 Wonderful Benefits Of Jackfruit Seeds + A Killer Recipe (6)

Jackfruits are delicious and healthy, and so are their seeds. The health benefits of jackfruit seeds can be attributed to their micronutrient composition. They may help combat anemia, improve digestive health, boost vision, reduce the risk of blood clots, enhance sexual pleasure, fight wrinkles, and improve hair growth. You can try various vegetarian and vegan recipes with these delicious seeds. However, they must be properly prepared before consumption to avoid adverse reactions. Eat them in moderation to enjoy their maximum benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are jackfruit seeds good for those with diabetes?

Yes. Jackfruit seeds can help lower blood glucose levels and are used to treat diabetes (3).

Do jackfruit seeds cause gas?

Yes. Excess intake of jackfruit seeds can cause gas.

How many jackfruit seeds can you eat?

There is no recommended dosage of jackfruit seeds. However, as they contain antinutrients, eat them in moderation to avoid their adverse effects.

Key Takeaways

  • Jackfruit seeds help improve digestion and boost the immune system.
  • They help support weight loss, manage blood sugar, and reduce the risk of developing chronic conditions.
  • Jackfruit seeds can be eaten in a number of different ways, such as roasted, boiled, or powdered.
  • By using jackfruit seed oil, one can enhance the texture and appearance of their skin and hair.
  • Jackfruit seeds can be used in smoothies, soups, and stews to increase their nutritional value.

9 Wonderful Benefits Of Jackfruit Seeds + A Killer Recipe (7)

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team


Check out this video to learn more about the surprising health benefits of jackfruit seeds. Explore how this versatile seed can positively impact your well-being.

Personal Experience: Source

StyleCraze's articles are interwoven with authentic personal narratives that provide depth and resonance to our content. Below are the sources of the personal accounts referenced in this article.

i. Pickled or Brined Raw Jackfruit Rotti Recipe | Vegan and Gluten Free Jackfruit in Brine Flat Bread


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  1. Jackfruit
  3. In Vivo Activities and In Silico Study of Jackfruit Seeds (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) on the Reduction of Blood Sugar Levels of Gestational Diabetes Rate Induced by Streptozotocin

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9 Wonderful Benefits Of Jackfruit Seeds + A Killer Recipe (2024)


Who should not eat jackfruit seeds? ›

Some health concerns when consuming jackfruit seeds

Increased risk of bleeding when used with certain medications People who are taking medications that increase the risk of bleeding should be cautious when consuming jackfruit seeds.

What does jackfruit seeds do for the body? ›

The jackfruit seeds may serve a potential in human health and may benefit as an antimicrobial, antidiabetic and antioxidant. It may also provide benefits in strengthening the bones. It may also be used as a substitute to flour with an increase in protein and fibre content.

What should you avoid after eating jackfruit? ›

You should avoid drinking water after the consumption of jackfruit as it can lead to diarrhoea. Jackfruit is a high water content fruit that smoothes out bowel movements. So, if you drink water after eating jackfruit, it can lead to even smoother bowel movements and cause diarrhoea.

Is it better to eat jackfruit seeds hot or cold? ›

The flesh and seeds of jackfruit are considered as a cooling and nutritious tonic [16]. Jackfruit has abundance of important minerals [36]. It is rich in magnesium, which is important for the absorption of calcium and helps strengthen the bones and prevents bone-related disorders such as osteoporosis.

What are the disadvantages of eating jackfruit? ›

Allergy to birch pollen or latex: People who are allergic to birch pollen or latex might also be allergic to jackfruit. Surgery: Jackfruit might cause bleeding and too much drowsiness if combined with medications used during and after surgery. Stop taking jackfruit at least 2 weeks before scheduled surgery.

How long should I wait to drink water after eating jackfruit? ›

Water should be avoided after eating fruits because this combination can interfere with the absorption and digestion process in the stomach, resulting in acidity. This is why some people feel queasy after eating fruit. It is suggested that you drink water for at least an hour after eating fruits.

What happens if you eat jackfruit at night? ›

There is no specific restriction on consuming jackfruit during the nighttime. However, it's essential to consider your overall diet and eating habits. Some people might avoid heavy or spicy meals close to bedtime, as it can lead to discomfort or disrupt sleep.

What happens if we drink co*ke after eating jackfruit? ›

Combining co*ke and jackfruit shouldn't be inherently dangerous, but it might not be the most pleasant flavor combination. The acidity of co*ke and the sweetness of jackfruit could create an unusual taste. However, there are no specific health risks associated with consuming them together in moderation.

Can we eat eggs after eating jackfruit? ›

Combining jackfruit with eggs is not a common culinary pairing, but there's no hard and fast rule against it. Ultimately, it comes down to personal taste preferences and dietary choices.

Is jackfruit good for the liver? ›

Need to be careful when eating jackfruit with people with fatty liver, diabetes, chronic kidney failure, debilitated people, weak health. Absolutely abstain from eating jackfruit for people with diabetes and fatty liver. Avoid eating jackfruit with those who want to get pregnant.

How long do you boil jackfruit seeds for? ›

In a large pot, cover Jackfruit seeds with water with about an inch of water above the seeds. Bring the water and seeds to a boil, then reduce to rolling simmer for 20-30 minutes or until the seeds can be easily pierced by a fork.

Is jackfruit seed good for the kidneys? ›

The high potassium content of Jackfruit can be harmful to people suffering from chronic kidney diseases or acute kidney failure. An excessive potassium diet can cause hyperkalaemia in such people. The build-up of potassium in the blood is a condition called hyperkalaemia.

Can kidney patients eat jackfruit seeds? ›

Jackfruit also has a lot of potassium, which can be harmful to people who have chronic kidney disease (CKD) or acute kidney failure. People with these conditions can develop hyperkalemia if they eat high amounts of potassium.

Is jackfruit seed bad for diabetes? ›

Jackfruit seeds are known to induce insulin secretion. Thus, include a seed preparation in your diet. Green Jackfruit flour, which is quite popular in the southern region, has been a substitute to rice and wheat flour with lesser calorie and carbohydrate content. This is also good for chronic diabetic people.

Is jackfruit bad for your stomach? ›

Some people have noticed stomach aches after eating jackfruit. Eating too much can cause diarrhea. Meanwhile, jackfruit seeds contain a chemical that interferes with digestion. Always cook jackfruit seeds before you eat them.

How to tell if jackfruit is bad? ›

First, the strong, foul, and unbearable smell usually indicates that your jackfruit has gone bad. The second clue to a bad jackfruit is the texture - if the flesh is very soft or mushy, it could mean it's overripe. Additionally, check for mold or a change in color.


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